Mental Health | Self Improvement

Remove This Harmful Word From Your Vocabulary

To create a clear mind

Hudson Rennie
2 min readOct 20, 2021


Person loving themselves with a metaphorical hug.
Photo by De'Andre Bush on Unsplash

How you speak to yourself says a lot about how you feel. Actually, it says everything. When nobody is listening is the most important time to watch what you say.

“Should” is a terribly destructive word that many of us use, unknowingly. Every time you use the word should, three things happen:

1. You create unfair expectations

When you tell yourself you should do something, you are creating the idea that there is a right and wrong way to live. In reality, there is not. Telling yourself that you should have fun at a party implicitly causes you to act inauthentically. You may be someone that doesn’t like parties, and that’s ok.

As humans, it’s important to discover and embrace who we are. Anxiety experts say that unrealistic expectations feed into feelings of anxiety and dissatisfaction.

“Expectation is the root of all heartache.” — William Shakespeare

2. A rift between you and yourself begins

Should is the opposite of manifestation. It implies that there is something you ought to be…



Hudson Rennie

I write about all sorts of things. I hope you fall in love with my words. 🙋‍♂️🪴 Watch me on YouTube: